B6 toxicity works by damaging nerves through an excess of pyridoxine metabolites in the bloodstream and nerve tissues. Therefore Rule #1 when it comes to dealing with B6 toxicity is to never, under any circumstances, take any supplements containing B6. This includes pyridoxine and pyridoxal 5 phosphate (sometimes called the coenzymated form of B6).
My Suggestions:
- Check any and all supplements you are taking for B6. For example, my amino acid complex also contains B6. All multi-vitamins contain B6.
- If you want to take a multi-vitamin, consider compounding vitamins. I've heard a company called Metabolic Maintenance, http://www.metabolicmaintenance.com, makes these (though I've not tried them personally).
- Supplements I take are: Cod Liver Oil, Milk Thistle (for the liver), Alpha Lipoic Acid, CoQ10, Kelp, Nature's Plus Complete Digestive Enzyme (with meals), and Vitamin B12 (2-3 times/week in the methylcobalamin sublingual form). I also take Vitamin D3, Acetyl-L Carnitine, Ester-C, and Resveratrol, when they test positive during muscle testing. And lastly, at night, I take a microbial nervous system balancing flower essence, by Perelandra.
- If I cannot sleep at night, due to neuropathy symptoms, I take a half of a Benedryl tablet. This promotes sleep without making me drowsy the next morning.
Remember, when it comes to supplementation, less is more