Friday, April 22, 2011

B6 Toxicity- My Story

H! My name is Susan and I would like to share with you my B6 story.
My symptoms began in Nov 2005. At first, I noticed that my top and bottom front teeth felt
a little senstive. By February 2006, the sensitivity turned to pain (chronic pain) and then my tongue started to burn. I saw my dentist and and ENT. They couldn't find anything to explain my oral issues. I later went to see a neurologist who believed I was suffering from trigiminal neuralgia......even though I didn't fit the profile. Seizure meds were prescribed and gave me no relief. I began to take a closer look at what I was taking (prescription meds). I was only taking a sleep aid called ambien. I researched ambien and found that it did indeed cause nerve pain for some people. I was sure I knew now the source of my pain. I stopped the ambien, but continued to suffer more. About a year later, my hands and feet started to feel numb, burn and sting. Walking was difficult and I also was suffering from heart palipatations and fatigue as well as muscle aches. Long story, short, frustrated with drs and could not get a firm diagnosis, I decided I would go to the Mayo Clinic. Finally a diagnosis was made. My levels were 139. I have stopped the B6, it has been a year now, but I continue to suffer horrific pain, especially orally. I was only taking a multivitamin with only 2mg of B6......even though one dr put me on a B complex vitamin, unaware I was further poisoning myself. I long for the day I can get my life back. I am limited to what I can do and tire easily. My pain is chronic and severe. I was told that the body will heal itself. I pray for relief everyday. This is a dangerous vitamin, even though it is water soluable. Be careful with it. So, that is my story. Blessings to you all..........Susan4AU

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Food Choice Ideas

 I wanted to give an idea of some of the food choices that worked or did not work for me.  It may at least stimulate some ideas for anyone investigating food options.  The foods that don't seem to exasperate by B6 toxicity symptoms are:

  • Baby carrots 
  • Celery and almond butter
  • Sugar Beets with balsamic vinegar
  • Assorted steamed frozen veggies (asparagus, veggie medleys, green beans).  After steamed I add butter and pepper, before eating.  This has been a staple for me, since I dislike cooking. 
  • Oranges, Clementines, Tangerines
  • Apples
  • Plain goat yogurt (I add in organic frozen blueberries-after they've thawed a bit)
  • Smoothies using organic frozen berries, water, a bit of agave nectar, whey isolate (for protein)
  • Fried eggs, with salt and pepper
  • Nitrate-free organic hot dogs, I just eat them plain
  • Goat meat (from a local meat specialty store)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
  • Cheese
  • Chocolate bars (before I gave up sugar).  Ones containing 70% cocoa and without soy lecithin.  Found these at a health food store
  • Organic red wine
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Stir fry that primarily included celery, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, almonds, onions, and soy sauce
  • Bryers chocolate ice cream (ingredients vary widely with flavors.  I made sure it didn't contain soy lecithin or nuts.)
Listed below are things I added to my diet later.  Although they didn't seem problematic, my toxicity symptoms had improved by then.  Still they may have been fine, even at the beginning (I'll never know).  They are: 
  • Homemade squash soup (essentially kabocha squash and onions)
  • Boiled russet potatoes (removed the skins and ate with butter and/or goat yogurt)
  • Homemade pumpkin soup
  • Turkey breast (nitrate-free)
  • Raw Revolution energy bars (found at the health food store.  Primarily contains cashews, flax seeds, spirulina, almonds).
  • Aloe vera juice and green veggie powder with the smoothies
  • Chicken thighs (I tried the dark meat, since white meat has more B6)
  • Popcorn
Symptoms worsened when I tried gluten-free pancakes, rice pasta, butter pecan ice cream, and gluten-free bread.  I also don't think plain pecans work well for me either.  

I always stuck with organic, which I'd recommend.  I figured my liver was probably already overwhelmed, so I didn't need to add to the load.  I also just grazed throughout the day, rather than eating large meals all at once.  And eating earlier in the day seemed to lessen my night neuropathy symptoms as well. 
