Friday, February 25, 2011

Tried using Estrogen - there's a mistake

I'd heard somewhere that B6 absorption may be reduced by the estrogen in foods.  I'd also read some personal accounts where the neuropathy symptoms were impacted, depending on where the woman was in her cycle.  In fact, while on my period last month, my symptoms dramatically improved.
  • Question:  Will using estriol improve my symptoms or have any impact?  
  • Experiment:  On day #10 of my cycle, I tried some micronized natural estriol on my arm.
  • Results:  Neuropathy symptoms *very* noticeably worsened.  Tingling/burning on my hands and feet dramatically increased.  Also interesting was that there was a lot of tingling on the arm itself, where I'd put on the cream.
Bottom Line:  I'm not going to be doing this again any time soon!  Interesting though that estrogen did seem to have an affect, albeit not the one to which I'd hoped.
General Notes:  I'd used the estriol before any toxicity problems - so I trust the brand and my usual reactions to it.  I put it on before going to bed.  To measure days of the cycle - 1st day of period = day #1 of the cycle.  I'm in my late 40s, but still have regular cycles. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Vitamin B6 (P5P) Story

I developed B6 toxicity while using the co-enzymated form of B6 (P5P).  Thus far I've not seen anything on the internet that suggests this can occur-which is why I wanted especially to post this.

For me, I began to experience neuropathy symptoms 2 days after starting the P5P.  I was using the enteric coated tablet form of P5P, and taking 33mg Coenzymated Vitamin B-6 (from 50mg P5P), twice a day.  After symptoms developed, I immediately shifted to less and also later tried a different form, a sublingual, that had 1/2 the mg.  I couldn't find the suggested enteric coated tablets in lower doses.  Anyway I completely stopped everything after 11 days, due to worsening neuropathy symptoms.  

It's been almost a month now - since I stopped all supplements containing B6 and drastically reduced the B6 in my diet.  I still have neuropathy symptoms.  And it's still surprising how the symptoms lessen or increase, depending on the foods I eat.

The damage, resulting from 11 days use, is still shocking to me.  And I'm probably one of the lucky ones.  Those that develop B6 toxicity with lower doses of B6, and are unable to pin down the problem, for perhaps years, are usually in worse shape.

That being said...I'm still dealing with it...and will just have to see how it goes.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Trying Goat Meat Today

I've heard somewhere that goat meat is lower in B6, than beef.  I checked out a few sites on goat meat, and and that looked to be the case.

I went to Herbs Meats (a local specialty store) yesterday, pleaded ignorance, and the butcher suggested I try cooking a goat shoulder cut, in a crock-pot, with some water, on the low setting, for 10 or so hours.  Ate it a half hour tasted surprisingly good!  I had cooked it overnite, as suggested, with zero spices.  Added celtic salt as I ate it though.

The verdic is still out on whether goat will work for me.  I've read that some people, with B6 toxicity, have to not just watch their B6, but also their B1 and B3.   I haven't looked at that angle yet.

It's day #26, and I'm so tired of starving!